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Euroclima has delivered 29 air handling units (AHUs) and Fan Coils (FCU`s) to New Zealand as part of a large marquee project for the earthquake prone country.  Working with the locally based supplier, Pacific HVAC Engineering, the project required an earthquake proof unit casing for Christchurch Entertainment Centre (CCEC).

To provide the solution, we engaged an independent and specialized laboratory to execute a shake table test.  Our AHU section with installed floor mounted plug fan was tested on a multi-axial table (4,8 m x 4,8 m) with hydraulic actuation.

The test procedure includes, as specified by ICC ES AC156 (2007), both resonance search and seismic simulation tests referring to two different seismicity levels.

A total of 42 analogue input modules were fixed on the section for an exact measurement and result.

The results of the test showed that our ZHK Inova unit withstood the earthquake test whilst maintaining performance.


EUCENTRE Foundation

The seismic tests has been carried out at 6DLAB of EUCENTRE-Foundation.

EUCENTRE is a private non-profit foundation that pursues a mission of research, training and service provision in the field of earthquake and risk engineering.

6DLAB is the new experimental laboratory equipped with a tri-axial shake table for the study of non-structural elements performance. Air handling units, electrical systems and machines, fixing systems, fixtures, furniture, countertops, panels and facades are among the systems that can be qualified through experimental tests on the 6DLAB shake table.

For more information: info@eucentre.it